Soumettre un sitemap.xml à Google, et Bing


Ce petit code va vous permettre de soumettre votre sitemap.xml aux 2 principaux moteurs de recherche, soit Google search et Bing.


class searchEngineSubmitter{
    private $urls;
    public function getUrls(){
        return  $this->urls ;
     * @param array $urlsForSubmitting
    public function __construct(array $urlsForSubmitting){
        $this->urls = $urlsForSubmitting;
         * @param string $url
         * @return type
    private function myCurl($url) {
        $ch       = curl_init($url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        return $httpCode;
         * @abstract Sitemap Submitter Use this script to submit your site maps automatically to Google, Bing.MSN and Ask Trigger this script on a schedule of your choosing or after your site map gets updated.
     * @param string
    public function submitSitemap($sitemapUrl) {

        foreach ( $this->getUrls() as $url) {
            $code = $this->myCurl($url . $sitemapUrl);
            if ($code == '200') {
                  return 'success: ' . parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) . ' has been pinged (return code: ' . $code . ' )';
            } else {
                  return 'warning' . parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) . ' return error (return code: ' . $code . ' )';

Pour l’utiliser on fait comme ceci :


$submit = (new searchEngineSubmitter(

Et voilà 🙂

@ bientôt


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